A decisão de empedrar as ruas, por volta de 1500, tinha como objetivo pôr fim aos transtornos causados pela Ganga, o rinoceronte branco. Este animal seguia no cortejo, no dia do aniversário do rei, a 21 de Janeiro, mas devido ao calcar das suas pesadas patas no chão de lama, todo o cortejo e figurantes aparatosamente vestidos, ficavam sujos e enlameados.
The decision to pave the streets, around 1500, was intended to put an end to the inconvenience caused by the Ganga, the white rhino. This animal followed in the procession on the day of king birthday on January 21, but due to the trampling of their heavy paws on the mud floor, the entire procession and extras dressed ostentatiously, were dirty and muddy.
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